Bladder-cancer-associated mutations in RXRA activate peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors to drive urothelial proliferation.

RXRA regulates transcription as part of a heterodimer with 14 other nuclear receptors, including the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). Analysis from TCGA raised the possibility that hyperactive PPAR signaling, either due to PPAR gamma gene amplification or RXRA hot-spot mutation (S427F/Y) drives 20-25% of human bladder cancers. Here, we characterize mutant RXRA, demonstrating it induces enhancer/promoter activity in the context of RXRA/PPAR heterodimers in human bladder canc…

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Endogenous retinoid X receptor ligands in mouse hematopoietic cells.

The retinoid X receptor α (RXRA) has been implicated in diverse hematological processes. To identify natural ligands of RXRA that are present in hematopoietic cells, we adapted an upstream activation sequence-green fluorescent protein (UAS-GFP) reporter mouse to detect natural RXRA ligands in vivo. We observed reporter activity in diverse types of hematopoietic cells in vivo. Reporter activity increased during granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF)-induced granulopoiesis and after pheny…

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Bridging Microscopic and Macroscopic Mechanisms of p53-MDM2 Binding with Kinetic Network Models.

Under normal cellular conditions, the tumor suppressor protein p53 is kept at low levels in part due to ubiquitination by MDM2, a process initiated by binding of MDM2 to the intrinsically disordered transactivation domain (TAD) of p53. Many experimental and simulation studies suggest that disordered domains such as p53 TAD bind their targets nonspecifically before folding to a tightly associated conformation, but the microscopic details are unclear. Toward a detailed prediction of binding mech…

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