Variational encoding of complex dynamics

Often the analysis of time-dependent chemical and biophysical systems produces high-dimensional time-series data for which it can be difficult to interpret which individual features are most salient. While recent work from our group and others has demonstrated the utility of time-lagged covariate models to study such systems, linearity assumptions can limit th…

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20th-anniversary live stream

To celebrate the 20th anniverary of Foldingathome we are hosting a celebration live stream: When? Wednesday the 18th at Noon – 3:30 PM pacific time Where? Recorded video:…

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Machine Learning Force Fields and Coarse-Grained Variables in Molecular Dynamics: Application to Materials and Biological Systems

Machine learning encompasses tools and algorithms that are now becoming popular in almost all scientific and technological fields. This is true for molecular dynamics as well, where machine learning offers promises of extracting valuable information from the enormous amounts of data generated by simulation of complex systems. We provide here a review of our curre…

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Conformational distributions of isolated myosin motor domains encode their mechanochemical properties.

Myosin motor domains perform an extraordinary diversity of biological functions despite sharing a common mechanochemical cycle. Motors are adapted to their function, in part, by tuning the thermodynamics and kinetics of steps in this cycle. However, it remains unclear how sequence encodes these differences, since biochemically distinct motors often have nearly indistinguishable crystal structures. We hypothesized that sequences produce distinct biochemical phenotypes by modulating the r…

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News articles published in March

Our recent focus on Covid19, Coronavirus research together with outreach from our community and partners like: Nvidia, PCMR, Github, Razer, Intel, Ubisoft and more. Has led to some interest from…

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Investigating Cryptic Binding Sites by Molecular Dynamics Simulations.

ConspectusThis Account highlights recent advances and discusses major challenges in investigations of cryptic (hidden) binding sites by molecular simulations. Cryptic binding sites are not visible in protein targets crystallized without a ligand and only become visible crystallographically upon binding events. These sites have been shown to be druggable and might provide a rare opportunity to target difficult proteins. However, due to their hidden nature, they are difficult to find thro…

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Microcanonical coarse-graining of the kinetic Ising model.

We propose a scheme for coarse-graining the dynamics of the 2-D kinetic Ising model onto the microcanonical ensemble. At subcritical temperatures, 2-D and higher-dimensional Ising lattices possess two basins of attraction separated by a free energy barrier. Projecting onto the microcanonical ensemble has the advantage that the dependence of the crossing rate constant on environmental conditions can be obtained from a single Monte Carlo trajectory. Using various numerical methods, we com…

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Assessing the accuracy of octanol-water partition coefficient predictions in the SAMPL6 Part II log P Challenge.

The SAMPL Challenges aim to focus the biomolecular and physical modeling community on issues that limit the accuracy of predictive modeling of protein-ligand binding for rational drug design. In the SAMPL5 log D Challenge, designed to benchmark the accuracy of methods for predicting drug-like small molecule transfer free energies from aqueous to nonpolar phases, participants found it difficult to make accurate predictions due to the complexity of protonation state issues. In the SA…

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