We have several on-going software development efforts and I'd like to give donors an update.
v7 client. Joe Coffland and his team have been working hard on new client releases. 7.2.9 has just been released and a new version will be undergoing beta testing soon. Moreover, we are continuing work on improving the v7 client for windows and squashing the remaining bugs. Moreover, there's additional effort in OSX due to the hiring of a programmer (Kevin Bernhagen) just for the OSX client, as well as additional work for smoother OSX and linux installs.
Gromacs core. The Gromacs core team (Prof. Michael Shirts and Prof. Peter Kasson and their labs, at the University of Virginia) are working on the new cores based on the new version of gromacs (4.6).
New OpenMM core. The OpenMM team at Stanford (Dr. Peter Eastman and Yutong Zhao) are working on speed improvements for OpenMM (the basis of the FAH GPU core) in general, but in particular optimizations for Kepler and AMD (in coordination with engineers at NVIDIA and AMD, respectively). Yutong has a new FAH GPU core working in the lab and we are doing internal testing on it. Since openMM is full open source, you can see more details, including a commit and change log, at the openMM web site (https://simtk.org/home/openmm).
New FAH viral ad campaign. We're also working on a new landing page for FAH and a new video to advertise FAH. This new web/video campaign is coordinated with new client/installer changes to make FAH easier to install and run, especially for those new to Folding@home.
We understand that donors don't get to see all of what's going behind the scenes, so we'll try to post these sorts of updates more frequently.