There are several new developments regarding the GPU cores and clients.
- We've been working with NVIDIA to develop a GPU2 core for NVIDIA hardware. So far, the code is progressing well and the new GPU2/NVIDIA core is now in closed beta testing. It's hard to tell if there will be any show stoppers (there's lots of things that could go wrong in distributed computing on GPU's), but so far so good. We're very excited about the performance (more details on that later). We hope to have a public beta in the next few weeks.
- We are nearing the end for the GPU1 project. Our plan is to deactivate the GPU1 client on June 2. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to that project. FAH GPU1 was a landmark in computing, being the first distributed computing project on GPU's as well as the first major molecular dynamics calculation to be performed on GPU's. We have learned a lot from GPU1, and those lessons have been used to architect GPU2, which will be faster, more reliable, and much more scientifically useful.
- We are beta testing a new visualization for GPU2/ATI. This new code provides real time visualization for the GPU2 core, similar to what we have for the PS3. More information can be found on our FAQ. We plan to release a similar visualizer for the GPU2/NVIDIA core as well when it's ready.
So, we've definitely had our hands full on the GPU front. We look forward to taking these next steps forward!