Next Unit Percentage

v6: not applicable
V7: next-unit-percentage     XX

Sets the work unit percentage completed as to when the V7 client downloads the next Work Unit (WU) while the current WU is processing, where XX is between 90-100%.  99% is the default setting.

v6 and previous clients would finish a Work Unit (WU), upload it to the Work Server, then download a new WU, and begin processing. One of the best new features in the V7 client is the ability to concurrently download a new WU just before the current one completes, or while the current one uploads.

Very fast computers, or computers on a very fast internet connection will find that changing this setting to 100% is the best balance between points and performance.  Remember the bonus clock starts ticking when the WU is downloaded, so if downloaded earlier than necessary to keep the computer folding, the bonus points clock starts ticking down.