A great deal of the support for the Folding@home software comes from volunteers in the Folding@home community. There are many different ways that people have helped. Countless numbers of people have helped by answering each others questions on the Folding Forum and there are too many to cite completely here. Nevertheless, we have listed a few who have made particularly major contributions.
Community volunteers

We are grateful for all the work the Folding Forum moderators have done to keep the forum running smoothly and to directly help donors run Folding@home — we are grateful to them all. Moreover, there are several moderators at the forum who also helped us beyond the forum, including beta testing and even help with these web pages. Of particular note are Bruce Borden’s (bruce) contributions in general to many aspects of Folding@home, Wiebo Westerhoff’s (WW) hosting of the previous Folding Forum, and retired Mod Tim Braun’s (7im) great efforts to improve the FAH web pages.
We must also thank the numerous translators who have worked on translating the Folding@home web pages into many other languages.
FAQ and Guide team
We’re indebted to the team of volunteers who help us keep the FAQ and documentation up-to-date. This includes Stephane Renaud (Xilikon) for his help with creating the v6 Client Install Guides pages; Tim (7im) Braun’s for his creation of the V7 Install Guide pages, maintaining all the other Guides, doing the heavy lifting edits in the last two web site redesigns; and his and Ivoshiee’s help with the FAQs. A recent addition, Jesse Victors, (Jesse_V) also helps maintain the FAQs and who rewrote the majority of the Folding@home article on Wikipedia, which is a Featured Article.
We are also working with community software developers. These developers have been working to help us improve our software as well as to make better interfaces for 3rd party utilities. We would like to especially thank Andrew “Uncle Fungus” Schofield and Kevin “calxalot” Bernhagen for their contributions to the project.