One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures.

On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we supe up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software.


Set up your team

If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here.

Monitoring stats updates automatically: available downloads and rules of use

Donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if a lot of work units came back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour).

Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned.